Why should I love? Why should I love someone either a boy or a girl?. Frankly thinking the reasons might be In my college, everybody loves someone so, I too do the same. She proposed me so I am going ahead I don't know the reason exactly Everybody should love someone. There is nothing wrong if a boy loves a boy or a girl loves a girl. And love is a feeling of deep affection and confidence on someone. The guy whom you are in love should support you in every case of your life. If you are feeling that you are too diverted from studies and being deep into the life of drugs due to some reasons, then you can start loving someone. If you are already in love make your love so perfect that it will bring you out of the drugs. If you have a feeling that in my college everybody loves someone so I too started loving. Yes, this is 175% correct approach. In this case ...
Student | Daily life