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1 year of our life in social media|| Youths under mass surveillance

Surveillance via Social Media

Google Allo made its debut with greater expectation in Silicon Valley; at last, it had failed to inspire the youths.

            Many friends used to ask  “Dei etha vathu Whatsapp status sollu da” [Could u say some inspiring Whatsapp status for me?]. Of course, all these demands have been fulfilled by hundreds of WebPages and android apps. Young girls are spending a lot of time to apply filters to their photos, in recent times guys also joined this club.

            Facebook was mainly for the purpose of self-marketing of either yourself or your brand. All these are tracking you with the help of Private agencies, the sad part was many social media were joined their hands with some famous organizations to enhance their features… including Twitter and Instagram. Celebrities use FB to have an ad for them, whatever the case, our politicians had realised its true potential and utilising it as a free source of publicity to their parties.

            Initially, Whatsapp got its attention due to NO advertisements in it, these were their main slogan during their launch. In this never change your DP such that it gives some other important clue to your competitors. If a girl has updated his profile with a cute pic of her in which she was standing along with her ex. On the next day, she had to answer her present and her close buddies in that if any family relations also in her chat history mean the problem will be in next level. Never change your profile for a particular person if you are not in love because it was just a waste of time as said by Amir Khan’s in PK movie song. Please don’t post your status by your current day to day routine instead post the status which will boost and encourage your spirit towards your goal; Because those posts [status] will give hints about yourself to those whom you may not like it and to your competitors.

            Though “Only to my contacts” option is available it will not be that effective. Moving to next topic as a contemporary to many social messaging apps in recent Google Allo made its debut with greater expectation in Silicon Valley; at last, it had failed to inspire the youths. One of the reasons was default off of ‘incognito’ option in Allo. Yes, you are correct because they were in need of mass surveillance.

            Let us take a calculation; you are living in this world for 60 years in that you are sleeping 8 hours a day which makes 20 years of your life. So you are living 40 years in this world with your eyes open.

            Time in social media per day                       =          2.5 hour
            For  40 year                                                 =          2.5*365*40

This makes approximately 1 year of your life span, in that time you were just texting a person just for pleasure. So, just get up now and take advantage of “your” time in the best manner.  Be in limit with your social media and take as much you can take from those media’s.  Think about it...


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